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Photo of Zach Deane-Mayer, Founder of AI Insight Solutions.

Zach Deane-Mayer


AI executive & Kaggle Grandmaster: 15+ years building with AI and ML.

  • 🧠 AI strategy consultant, ex-VP of Data Science at DataRobot
  • 🏆 Kaggle Grandmaster (former top 100)
  • 🚀 Founded teams for Generative AI, Visual AI, and AutoML
  • 💡 Inventor with 2 granted patents and 4 published applications


Executive with
15 years of experience
building and
leading AI engineering

  • 2022–2024

    Founded and led the Generative AI team at DataRobot, launching two major products in 2023: Vector Databases and LLM Playgrounds, establishing DataRobot as a pioneer in Generative AI.

  • 2019–2024

    Founded and led the Visual AI team at DataRobot, automating deep learning for image and tabular data.

  • 2018–2024

    Authored innovative technologies resulting in 2 granted patents (US11386075B2, US11334795B2) and 4 published patent applications (US20210287089A1, US20230067026A1, US20230065870A1, and US20230091610A1).

  • 2015–2024

    Developed and refined core algorithms for DataRobot's AutoML platform, establishing a repository of over 500,000 modeling pipelines and meta-learning heuristics.

  • 2015–2024

    Grew DataRobot's Machine Learning team from 5 to 70 employees

  • 2020–2022

    Led the integration of foundational models into core DataRobot, significantly enhancing image and text modeling performance.

  • 2019

    Personally recruited, interviewed, and hired 10 senior machine learning engineers in 2019.

  • 2013

    Built a graph-based recommendation engine for Cognius at Cogo Labs, serving 100 million daily recommendations to 2.5 million unique users, resulting in a 70% company-wide revenue increase.

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