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Parallelizing and Cross-validating Feature Selection in R

This is an example piece of code for the Overfitting competition at kaggle.com. This method has an AUC score of ~.91, which is currently good enough for about 38th place on the leaderboard. If you read the competition forums closely, you will find code that is good enough to tie for 25th place, as well as hints as to how to break into the top 10.

You can find the data for this post here.

However, I like this script because it does 2 tricky things well, without over fitting: 1. It selects features, despite the curse of dimensionality (250 observations, 200 features) 2. It fits a linear model, using the elastic net.

In future posts, I will walk you through how this code works, but for now, download the data and give it a shot!

#Load Required Packages

# Load the Data, choose target, create train and test sets

Data <- read.csv("../../../public/data/overfitting.csv", header=TRUE)

#Choose Target
Data$Target <- as.factor(ifelse(Data$Target_Practice==1,'X1','X0'))
Data$Target_Evaluate = NULL
Data$Target_Leaderboard = NULL
Data$Target_Practice = NULL

xnames <- setdiff(names(Data),c('Target','case_id','train'))
Data <- Data[,c('Target','case_id','train',xnames)]

#Split to train and test
trainset = Data[Data$train == 1,]
testset = Data[Data$train == 0,]

#Remove unwanted columns
trainset$case_id = NULL
trainset$train = NULL

#Define Formula
FL <- as.formula(paste("Target ~ ", paste(xnames, collapse= "+")))

# RFE parameters

#Custom Functions
glmnetFuncs <- caretFuncs #Default caret functions

glmnetFuncs$fit <- function (x, y, first, last, ...) { #Fits a GLMNET model
    glmnet(as.matrix(x), y, family = "multinomial", alpha = 0, lambda = 0.02)

glmnetFuncs$pred <- function (object, x) { #Makes predictions (in a format other cart functions recognize) from a glmnet model
    tmp <- predict(object, newx=as.matrix(x))
    tmp <- data.frame(tmp)
    names(tmp) <- sub('.s0','',names(tmp))
    tmp$pred <- ifelse(tmp[,1]>tmp[,2],names(tmp)[1],names(tmp)[2])

glmnetFuncs$rank <- function (object, x, y) { #Ranks predictions, and numbers them from best to worst
    vimp <- sort(object$beta[[2]][, 1])
    vimp <- as.data.frame(vimp)
    vimp$var <- row.names(vimp)
    vimp$'Overall' <- seq(nrow(vimp),1)

glmnetFuncs$summary <- function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL) { #Computes Sens, Spec. and ROC for a given model
    if (is.character(data$obs)) {
        data$obs <- factor(data$obs, levels = lev)
    if (is.character(data$pred)) {
        data$pred <- factor(data$pred, levels = lev)
    twoClassSummary(data, lev = lev, model = NULL)

#fit <- glmnetFuncs$fit(x,y) #TEST that the functions work properly
#pred <- glmnetFuncs$pred(fit,x)
#rank <- glmnetFuncs$rank(fit)

MyRFEcontrol <- rfeControl(
        functions = glmnetFuncs,
        method = "repeatedCV",
        number = 10,
        repeats = 5,
        rerank = FALSE,
        returnResamp = "final",
        saveDetails = FALSE,
        verbose = FALSE)

# Training parameters
        method = "repeatedCV",
        returnResamp = "all",
        classProbs = TRUE,

# Setup Multicore
if ( require("multicore", quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) ) {
    MyRFEcontrol$workers <- multicore:::detectCores()
    MyRFEcontrol$computeFunction <- mclapply
    MyRFEcontrol$computeArgs <- list(mc.preschedule = FALSE, mc.set.seed = FALSE)

    MyTrainControl$workers <- multicore:::detectCores()
    MyTrainControl$computeFunction <- mclapply
    MyTrainControl$computeArgs <- list(mc.preschedule = FALSE, mc.set.seed = FALSE)

# Select Features

x <- trainset[,xnames]
y <- trainset$Target

RFE <- rfe(x,y,sizes = seq(130,160,by=1), #Optimal # of features seems to be within ~130-160
    rfeControl = MyRFEcontrol)

NewVars <- RFE$optVariables
FL <- as.formula(paste("Target ~ ", paste(NewVars, collapse= "+")))
#> Recursive feature selection
#> Outer resampling method: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times)
#> Resampling performance over subset size:
#>  Variables    ROC   Sens   Spec   ROCSD SensSD  SpecSD Selected
#>        130 0.9008 0.7845 0.8367 0.05650 0.1303 0.09784
#>        131 0.9017 0.7930 0.8382 0.05502 0.1221 0.10101
#>        132 0.9017 0.7914 0.8398 0.05491 0.1244 0.09173
#>        133 0.9038 0.7947 0.8430 0.05550 0.1244 0.09693
#>        134 0.9034 0.7947 0.8430 0.05577 0.1266 0.09693
#>        135 0.9028 0.7930 0.8446 0.05700 0.1244 0.09734
#>        136 0.9029 0.7947 0.8400 0.05627 0.1232 0.10022
#>        137 0.9027 0.7947 0.8459 0.05433 0.1197 0.10326
#>        138 0.9045 0.7947 0.8475 0.05419 0.1197 0.10266
#>        139 0.9042 0.7930 0.8429 0.05340 0.1198 0.10084
#>        140 0.9038 0.7914 0.8459 0.05307 0.1186 0.09344
#>        141 0.9032 0.7847 0.8384 0.05403 0.1254 0.10094
#>        142 0.9033 0.7930 0.8459 0.05401 0.1149 0.10089
#>        143 0.9044 0.7930 0.8475 0.05306 0.1149 0.09660
#>        144 0.9045 0.7930 0.8429 0.05313 0.1198 0.09338
#>        145 0.9046 0.7980 0.8429 0.05332 0.1172 0.08805
#>        146 0.9049 0.8014 0.8475 0.05210 0.1194 0.09014
#>        147 0.9052 0.7914 0.8429 0.05316 0.1278 0.09207
#>        148 0.9054 0.7980 0.8459 0.05194 0.1172 0.09599        *
#>        149 0.9043 0.7930 0.8429 0.05272 0.1233 0.09593
#>        150 0.9047 0.7930 0.8429 0.05419 0.1267 0.10084
#>        151 0.9047 0.7914 0.8444 0.05409 0.1244 0.10028
#>        152 0.9051 0.7964 0.8382 0.05339 0.1255 0.10117
#>        153 0.9049 0.7997 0.8352 0.05411 0.1219 0.10207
#>        154 0.9048 0.8014 0.8352 0.05326 0.1217 0.09471
#>        155 0.9032 0.7997 0.8398 0.05419 0.1207 0.09450
#>        156 0.9040 0.8014 0.8398 0.05433 0.1158 0.10069
#>        157 0.9036 0.7964 0.8413 0.05340 0.1111 0.10017
#>        158 0.9047 0.7997 0.8413 0.05285 0.1159 0.09896
#>        159 0.9041 0.8047 0.8321 0.05075 0.1130 0.09928
#>        160 0.9039 0.7980 0.8321 0.05043 0.1110 0.09928
#>        200 0.8623 0.7629 0.7826 0.07233 0.1309 0.12295
#> The top 5 variables (out of 148):
#>    var_50, var_40, var_7, var_39, var_158
A scatter plot showing the relationship between the number of variables selected and the ROC AUC score, measured through repeated cross-validation. The plot indicates that ROC AUC remains relatively stable around 0.90 as the number of variables increases from 140 to 160. However, a sharp drop in ROC AUC is observed when the number of variables approaches 200, suggesting that including too many variables can lead to model overfitting or reduced performance.
# Fit a GLMNET Model

G <- expand.grid(.alpha=0,.lambda=seq(0,0.05,by=0.01))

model <- train(FL,data=trainset,method='glmnet',
    metric = "ROC",
    tuneGrid = G,
plot(model, metric='ROC')
A line plot showing the relationship between the regularization parameter and the ROC AUC score, measured through repeated cross-validation. The plot indicates that the ROC AUC initially increases as the regularization parameter increases from 0.00 to 0.02, peaking at around 0.8940. However, as the regularization parameter continues to increase beyond 0.02, the ROC AUC steadily declines, suggesting that too much regularization may harm the model's performance by oversimplifying it.
predictions <- predict(model, newdata=testset, type  = "prob")
colAUC(predictions, testset$Target)
#>                  X0        X1
#> X0 vs. X1 0.9127356 0.9127356

#Generate a file for submission
testID  <- testset$case_id
submit_file = cbind(testID,predictions)
submit_file <- submit_file[,c('testID','X1','X0')]
# write.csv(submit_file, file="submission.csv", row.names = FALSE)

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